Young Coach Industry Professional 2013
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This category is designed to recognise young managers involved in coaching and coach tourism with a proven record of commitment and success.
Winner: Gavin Scott, Stanley Travel
Gavin started at Stanley Travel in 2009 at the age of 18, having spent his formative years as an apprentice footballer at Sunderland AFC.
His new working environment wasn’t entirely alien to him, as the family business has been trading since 1961 and he used to refuel, wash and clean vehicles in his spare time and school holidays. In December 2010 he took his Operators CPC exam and passed with flying colours.
Gavin’s role has evolved over time, including assisting with the coordination of private hire, day trip, holiday and contract hire programmes. He has proved capable of taking on a wide variety of tasks within the business and continues to learn with genuine enthusiasm.
The judges were impressed by the wide range of experience Gavin has accumulated in a relatively short time and were happy to name him the UK Coach Awards Young Professional of 2013.
Who could be nominated?
People aged 30 or less who exercise management responsibility in:
- the provision of coach services including charter, tours, contracts or scheduled services
- services sold mainly or solely to coach operators
- lead an organisation or major business unit in a professional capacity
- own and operate their own business employing more than five people
and by whom?
We welcomed nominations from all eligible organisations, both of their own employees and of outstanding young managers with whom they work in partnership or as stakeholders. Self-nomination is NOT appropriate for this category.